
April 15, 2022

Egypt Travel
April 15, 2022

National Projectsالمشاريع-القومية/?categoryid=138254
April 15, 2022

Egypt 2030

By 2030, Egypt will witness a comprehensive renaissance, leveraging its genius location and unique Egyptian personality, and taking into consideration the historical phase to achieve sustainable […]
October 14, 2017

Mameesh: stevedoring of 40.1 million cargo ton at New Suez Canal.

Vice admiral/ Mohab Mameesh, head of Suez Canal authority and of Canal Economic region said in statements to Elyoum7 newspaper that the canal navigational channel has […]
October 14, 2017

SC Economic authority: commencement of establishing “dry bulk “terminal at Adabeyia port by the end of 2017

Admiral/ Mahfouz Taha, deputy head of Suez Canal Economic authority – southern region, said that the region by the end of current year will work for […]
October 14, 2017

Petroleum minister: implementing Sonker liquid bulk terminal with investments 10milliard pounds.

Engineer, Tarek ElMolla, petroleum minister followed up, together with vice admiral, Mohab Mameesh, head of Suez Canal authority and of Suez Canal economic region, implementing work […]
October 14, 2017

Mameesh: crossing of 53 vessels of tonnages 3.5 million ton

Vice admiral/ Mohab Mameesh, head of Suez Canal authority that the Canal has witnessed passage of 53 vessel of tonnages 3.5 million ton container vessels from […]